Next Meeting!
Friday March 14th , 2024
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Masks will bee a personal choice for the meeting.
La Salle County Extension Office
1689 North 31st Road
Lower Level (basement)
Ottawa, IL 61350
Review of Questions: What do you know?
Speakers - who do you want and what do you want to talk about - any members want to do a demonstration?
As always you can contact us if you have any
questions about the meeting or even if you have
a question about your bees or any problems
you need to discuss. You can call the number
on the website or contact us through the contact
us button.
It's going to be another great meeting.
Bee there or Bee Square!
Packaged Bees and Nucs
Time to order your bees for spring!
Meyer Bees in Minooka, Il
Meyer bees has a large stock
of bee equipment, supplements, Honey bottles,
extractors, ect. They are a Mannlake
dealer and carry some of the better bee
supplies also.
Dave is also a Mann Lake Dealer and has a lot of items for everyday use on site.
Queens are available call Dave for details on what kind you are wanting to get.
Dave will be offering wax dipping for your hive bodies and supers. Email Dave for more details and to let him know you are interested.
If you need something give him a call - he probably has it or can get it.
See our Source Page for a listing of Suppliers for Bees, Nucs, Queens and Equipment (hives & tools)
Breakfast with the bees
Now you can join a zoom meeting on Saturday Mornings
All the information is on the front page. It starts at 7:30 AM
Lots of helpful ideas and help with problems.
This is a sister club - Fox Valley Beekeepers and a member of the Illinois State Beekeepers Association like we are.
Feel Free to contact us with any questions
you may have.
You can go to the Facebook page also to report a swarm if you can't get a hold of someone on the list, or you are in a different location than what is listed. We can help get someone there.
You can go to the Facebook page also to report a swarm if you can't get a hold of someone on the list, or you are in a different location than what is listed. We can help get someone there.
Saturday, March 15th
Beginners Class 8:00 am - Noon, and Intermediate Class 12:30 pm - 3:30
located at the Extension Office in Ottawa
1689 N 31st Road, Ottawa, IL
Preregistration is required as space is limited, $20 for the whole day or $10 per session if you do not plan on spending the whole day.
Lunch will be included from noon to 12:30, you will also receive an educational folder, and join in on some great raffles.
Hope to see everyone at the meeting and upcoming events!
Call or Text 815-503-2863 to RSVP
If you would like to get pictures with your
Apiary - Bees - Keeper
"Providing Digital Photos only"
Contact: Julie Barr
815-200-2792 or
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Why do the bees washboard on the front of their hive in the summertime.
Anyone who has the answer should use the contact us button we would love
to know the answer. We haven't come up with a for sure one yet.