Tom Malone
Marseilles, Il
Stumreiter's Goodies - Mike & Sheri
David Bickett
Earlville -
Heart of Illinois Beekeepers Assoc.
President - Sean Rennau 312-217-9274
Fill out this form on line if you have a swarm
Facebook page
you can post your swarm on this page
Robert Essary
Orion, IL
Central IL Beekeepers Assoc. - CIBA - contact
Facebook page
You can post your swarm on this page.
Honey bees make a tight cluster to keep the Queen Warm and fed. It can be large or small.
This shows a picture of a swarm of bees. They can be on a fence, in a tree, on the front of your house. They land there until they locate a new home.
Yellow Jackets do not swarm like honey bees - they make a paper nest
This shows you a picture of a yellow jacket nest - they do not swarm.
Female Honey bees and Bumble Bees and Wasps will not sting unless they feel they are in Danger.
Hornets Sting at will -
Male Wasps and Honey bees do not have a stinger and cannot sting. Male Carpenter bees also lack a stinger. The males are the one with the white dot on their forehead.
The tab shows you the difference between them