2021 Holt Rd, Minooka, IL 60447
contact@meyerbees.com 815-521-9116
Packaged Bees, Nucs, Queens & Equipment
Honey Bees will start arriving in March, bee prepared
for your pickup date!
Fairmont, IL
Packaged Bees, Queens & Bee Equipment and Classes
Ryan & Sarah Stern
Sullivan, WI
No Bees this year check next year.
Kimberley Lappe
located south of Des Moines Iowa
package bees and nucs for pick up
Sells Queens from April through August
Free Shipping on multiple queens
Check out website - equipment for sale also.
Ottawa, IL
815-433-4536 (Mail available to get your bee ordered from Farm and Fleet no local pickup)
Packaged Bees, Bee Equipment
2007 Sudbury
Naperville, IL 60564
Please call Tammy at 708-602-6764
They will have nucs available five frame $150.00 pick up after May 1, 2023
Pick-up ONLY at:
W2763 E Gate Dr.
Watertown, WI
Call Toll-Free at: 877-232-3268
Local: 920-261-5363
Email: blox@dadant.com or dadantwi@dadant.com
Packages and Nucs
Email for Bee order form
Not Dadant but affiliated
(800) 233-2899
Can be picked up or shipped
Packaged Bees Shipped
Nucs for pick up only
You can also text or call me at (309) 713-6160. However, using contact form on
website is preferred.
5 frame nucs over wintered.